Grow Program

“Global Professionals for the Next Generation”

The third pillar of GOROM Association is the Career Development Program aimed at bolstering the career opportunities and professional skill development of youth, leading to a more interconnected and skilled global work force. Under this pillar, GOROM Association provides internship opportunities for young and aspiring professionals from Latin America and Japan to work together on a number of cultural exchange, international business, and non-profit management projects.

Objectives of the Program

1) Foster the professional skill development of youth 2) Broaden the horizons of young professionals through international exchange 3) Prepare future professionals for their future careers through exposure to standard communications, time management, and business practices

The Value of Real Work Experience

Internships at GOROM Association are designed to give interns real world professional experience with plenty of opportunities for learning and professional growth in mind. Interns of GOROM Association work in an international and dynamic environment, gaining exposure to standard business practices, as well as engage with a number of international programs for expanding personal and professional horizons.


Interested in interning at GOROM Association?

Check our open positions on the Recruitment Page.


Oscar Alfonso Romero Cardenas

Colombian-Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Executive Director

Kaori Hatano

Haru no Hinata | Founder, Academic Director

Giovanni Ariza Sánchez

Cultiba | Coordinador