The lunch break at the Colombo-Japanese Chamber of Commerce where he works is from 12:00-14:00. The area where the Chamber of Commerce is located, Chapinero, is an office area where Bogota’s financial headquarters are located, and many people go out to eat lunch at lunchtime. Here are the lunches he had for three days last week.
On the first day, he had “Pechuga de Pollo”. It is a kind of sauteed chicken, and the seasoning is simple, so you can adjust the taste by adding salt to the table. The restaurant he ate at was like a set menu restaurant, and they prepare a lot of rice on a plate in advance so that they can serve customers quickly. They served it quickly when he went there.
On the second day, he bought a boxed lunch around the office and brought it back to the office to eat. In Colombia, a light lunch that you eat when you don’t have much time is called “Corrientazo. The lunch he had that day was the same, a simple lunch with Pechuga de Pollo and rice. It was relatively inexpensive, costing only about 500 yen.
On the third day, he had a hamburger at a chain restaurant called El Corral. The burger he chose was Mexican style, with red bean sauce, tortilla chips, avocado, and salsa. The set price with fries and juice was about 800 yen, which gave him the impression that it was not so different from that in Japan.