NHK Yamanashi wrote an article about the SEED Program 2023 Final Presentation.
On December 8th, participants of the SEED Program 2023 made their final presentation to our partner producers at the Yamanashi Prefectural Library. The Yamanashi Prefectural Government, companies in Yamanashi, and public institutions in Yamanashi interested in our program came to listen to the presentations.
Regarding the proposals, the students presented the final results of their research on revitalizing the local economy. They introduced some ideas for promoting Japanese products such as Jewelry, Wine, or Sake in Latin American stores and Japanese food restaurants, among others.
The NHK also interviewed one of our partner producers and two Latin American participants in Japanese. We are very glad and honored to be covered by NHK and other mass media broadcasts.
We look forward to keeping Yamanashi and Latin America close by intercultural understanding and development projects.
Original article (Japanese):