[SEED 2023] Visit of Yamanashi Vice Governor Kō Osada

On December 7th, the SEED Program 2023 participants and university advisors, along with the GOROM Association staff visited Kō Osada, the Vice Governor of Yamanashi.

During the meeting, Vice Governor Osada conveyed his desire to “see new possibilities for the traditional industries in the prefecture” (Sannichi Shinbun, 16.12.2023). In addition, Goro Mutsura, GOROM Association Representative Director, mentioned that he would like to “provide an opportunity for Latin American students to deepen their understanding and bonding with Yamanashi prefecture” (Sannichi Shinbun, 16.12.2023).

We extend our deepest gratitude to Vice Governor Osada for giving us this precious opportunity. We would like to continue to develop the regional revitalization of Yamanashi prefecture and to strengthen bonds between Japan and Latin America.

